Saturday, April 26, 2014

Our new inspirations!

It's been awhile since I've had any new material to blog about.  We've had some family issues and were moving.  It has been a very busy couple of months here.  Hopefully things will settle down now and we can get back to life as usual around here.

So I've been working on KHT Montessori for about a week now.

Minnow is starting to have better focus, he's taken renewed interest in Montessori activities. I think that alone was worth the money!

We did the silence game a few times, he really likes that.  Imagine that, my son enjoying quiet!

I also find the course very interesting and have gained a lot of information already.

My camera is missing, so please bear with me on these phone images.  I'm sure the camera will turn up soon

This is what we've been working on this week:

Grating soap:  I found an awesome tool for the boys at a hardware store locally (come to find out it's the very thing KHT Montessori suggests for use) It has the ability to grate 3 different sizes, separate, and juice.  It also has the plastic cup to catch what you're working with and a handle for stability.  It really is perfect.  I was a little leery because it really is sharp.  Minnow nicked his finger a little when he started to go really fast.  He was fine- no bleeding, just a little pinch.  After that he was very careful and made sure to keep enough soap between himself and the grater.
We use the soap shavings for whisking later on.  We may move up a bit so he can help me make laundry soap when the time comes around for that again.

Grinding eggshells with a mortar and pestle:  Wrist motion and as another positive, we can use this in the garden :)

This is his shelf after working.  Here we have:

Grating soap
Cutting fruit and veggies
Intro to broad stair and tower (really need to stain the stair, just haven't had the chance)
Spindle box
Grinding eggshells
Nuts and bolts on a board

He's really enjoyed this week

Po has been working on colors, beginning with blue as a blue basket and hard and soft objects.  His favorite activity right now is stacking blocks.

It's been a fun week, here's to many more!

On to my next project...