Friday, July 17, 2015

Burning the midnight oil, or, our first attempt at 4H fair projects

So Minnow decided he wanted to be in 4H.  I thought it was a great idea.  He's kind of had the on and off interest since we started but was really excited about the fair projects.

...except he couldn't choose.

His ideas ranged from proving/disproving the existence of zombies to making a scarf.  There were many in between.  So many, in fact, that he couldn't settle on a few and get working.  We'd start one only to think of another option a few hours later.

So there we were, 3 days from the fair with nothing. we come.

In the end he chose to make a wall hanging and paint some rock pets.

He did 90% of the work himself, and then we did poster boards to help him explain it all to the judge when the time came.

He wanted to call the duck Milo, so we did that too :)

These are his rock pets:
The top row- bear, cat, bee
The bottom row is the frog life cycle.

Because he's so young, he got a participation ribbon for each, but it was so exciting to watch him with the judge.  He was shy and a little nervous at first, but he really opened up.