Friday, March 11, 2016

Minnow is 6!

It seems like such a short time ago that I was holding my new baby in my arms for the first time.

 Alive and taking in his first views of this world; we were both in awe of the horizon in front of us.  Now he is 6.  I can hardly believe it.  I've been here 6 years.  It feels like forever, but it also feels like a breath; a single instant.

I made bluebery "6" pancakes (like I always do... it's a thing of mine.  Whatever breakfast food is made into the year old they are)

We ran some errands, he got some video game time and got to open his gift (a set of minecraft stories)

It was amazingly warm and lovely outside so we went to the big park across town after lunch

For Dinner he wanted hot dogs on the fire, and here he is blowing out the sparkler candle on his foxy cupcake :)


It was a very busy day, but we had a lot of fun together.  Stay tuned for the party... Minnowcraft...the party... to be continued.