Friday, February 28, 2014

Apparently I missed the fine print...

Unbeknownst to me, we have been transported to somewhere on the Siberian tundra, or so it would seem.  It has been almost 3 months of temperatures -30 or colder.  Note to mother nature- most Minnesotans are DONE.  My family and I sure are.

Of course, most people would stay bundled up and cozy in their homes.  What is the DIY crew doing this week?  That's right, we're moving house.  *sigh*  I'm not sure what we were collectively thinking; except that now we have the ability to have a school room and a big fenced yard.  The last 2 times we've moved it's been the same deal, right around the coldest set of days during the year.

Right now, about half of what we own is in the new house, most of the larger furniture and the necessities for day to day living (except the coffee pot belonging to my hubby...poor fella is sure a trooper, he's been 3 days without a cup of coffee)   We started to set up the school room downstairs and I am starting to realize how big it really is.  Right now we have 2 trikes and a ride-on airplane as well as a slide, a swing, and some big balls to roll around.  (they needed a place to run off some energy)  The downstairs needs to be remodeled and we're in the process- it's not very pretty right now.  I'm going to work on it some more tomorrow.  The items from Yama should be here early next week, so I'll be building, facilitating, and reviewing those in the near future...stay tuned, moving can't last forever...can it?

On to my next project...

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